TNR (trap-neuter-return) Program
Feral and free-roaming cats coming to Critters Without Litters for trap-neuter-return services will be admitted by appointment only. If you do not have an appointment, please do not come to the clinic. We will not be able to assist you.
Appointment scheduling is limited to two weeks in advance for TNR services. Appointment opportunities are posted each Friday morning, typically between 6 a.m. - 8 a.m., though openings can occur if a trapper with an appointment cancels, so checking the site for last-minute openings is also advised. Trappers are limited to two cats per day, per household; one cat per trap.
To schedule a TNR appointment on our website,
Again, please do not come to the clinic without a TNR appointment. We will not be able to help you.
If you schedule an appointment and find you do not need it (weren’t able to trap that night, didn’t catch a cat, only caught one cat but have an appointment for two, etc.) please email [email protected] and let us know so we can open the space for someone else.
Appointment scheduling is limited to two weeks in advance for TNR services. Appointment opportunities are posted each Friday morning, typically between 6 a.m. - 8 a.m., though openings can occur if a trapper with an appointment cancels, so checking the site for last-minute openings is also advised. Trappers are limited to two cats per day, per household; one cat per trap.
To schedule a TNR appointment on our website,
- Click the “Online Appointment Booking” option on the home page or on this link.
- Click “Spay/Neuter Appointment”
- Under Species, Select “Lion Female”. Making any other selection will result in your appointment request being rejected.
- If the feral is a male, we will change the record after their surgery.
- You must enter an approximate age and weight (most cats weigh between 3-12 lbs.)
- Enter the main color of the cat.
- Add any information about the cat that you think we should know in the “Notes” section.
- Choose an available date to schedule. You are limited to two appointments per day, per household.
- If no dates come up, all appointments have been reserved for the next two weeks. You are welcome to check back on the online scheduler repeatedly to look for appointment cancelations.
- Bring your cats in their appropriate traps at 7 a.m. on your appointment day for check-in. Please complete your feral cat admission form before your appointment. You can print it out from the “TNR Program” page on the website or get a paper copy the morning of your appointment.
- We will check you in and verify your address out front.
- Pick-up will be the following morning at 7 a.m. Please do not be late for pick-up.
Again, please do not come to the clinic without a TNR appointment. We will not be able to help you.
If you schedule an appointment and find you do not need it (weren’t able to trap that night, didn’t catch a cat, only caught one cat but have an appointment for two, etc.) please email [email protected] and let us know so we can open the space for someone else.
TNR Trap Guidelines
Community cats coming in for surgery must be in a cat trap. One cat per trap. No exceptions. If you are using your own trap, please note that cat traps must be a minimum of 9″x 9″ x 28″. The small traps that are sold at feed stores, usually as part of a two-pack, (measuring 7″ x 7″ x 24″) are designed for ground squirrels or gophers. The small trap is not suitable for cats, and we will not accept cats coming to our clinic in those traps. If you choose to purchase a trap, we recommend traps that are 10″ x 12″ x 32″ for the safety of the cat.
Critters Without Litters offers cat traps rentals if you need to get a properly-sized trap before your appointment. A $75 deposit is required for trap rental, which is fully refundable when the trap is returned to us clean and in good working order. You are welcome to come in for a trap between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Please refrain from coming for a trap between 7 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., as we are focused on helping our surgical appointments at that time. You will be asked to complete our cat trap rental agreement, leave the deposit, and take the trap with you. Your trap rental period is for two weeks.
If you choose to rent a trap from Critters Without Litters, the trap must be returned in a clean and operable condition within the period of your rental agreement. Failure to do so may result in the loss of your deposit.
Community cats will receive surgery, a rabies vaccination, an FVRCP vaccination and an ear-tip on their right ear. No exceptions will be made regarding ear-tipping. Residents of Kern County (not living within the city limits of Bakersfield, Shafter, Delano or Wasco) may bring community cats in and the TNR fee of $60 will be charged back to Kern County Animal Services. Residents living within Bakersfield city limits will have the TNR fee charged back to the City of Bakersfield. Proof of residency is required when you bring cats to us.
All community cats coming to our clinic for surgery will stay overnight. No exceptions.
If you need tips on trapping cats humanely, please download the Humane Trapping Tips form on the bottom of this page.
*“Community cats” are defined as cats that are free-roaming and do not appear to have an owner or permanent place to live. This definition includes feral cats and neighborhood strays.
Critters Without Litters offers cat traps rentals if you need to get a properly-sized trap before your appointment. A $75 deposit is required for trap rental, which is fully refundable when the trap is returned to us clean and in good working order. You are welcome to come in for a trap between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Please refrain from coming for a trap between 7 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., as we are focused on helping our surgical appointments at that time. You will be asked to complete our cat trap rental agreement, leave the deposit, and take the trap with you. Your trap rental period is for two weeks.
If you choose to rent a trap from Critters Without Litters, the trap must be returned in a clean and operable condition within the period of your rental agreement. Failure to do so may result in the loss of your deposit.
Community cats will receive surgery, a rabies vaccination, an FVRCP vaccination and an ear-tip on their right ear. No exceptions will be made regarding ear-tipping. Residents of Kern County (not living within the city limits of Bakersfield, Shafter, Delano or Wasco) may bring community cats in and the TNR fee of $60 will be charged back to Kern County Animal Services. Residents living within Bakersfield city limits will have the TNR fee charged back to the City of Bakersfield. Proof of residency is required when you bring cats to us.
All community cats coming to our clinic for surgery will stay overnight. No exceptions.
If you need tips on trapping cats humanely, please download the Humane Trapping Tips form on the bottom of this page.
*“Community cats” are defined as cats that are free-roaming and do not appear to have an owner or permanent place to live. This definition includes feral cats and neighborhood strays.

Admission Form 082824 | |
File Size: | 274 kb |
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Cat Trap Rental Agreement | |
File Size: | 164 kb |
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Humane Trapping Tips | |
File Size: | 91 kb |
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Tips para Atrapar Gatos Humanamente | |
File Size: | 89 kb |
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